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Alex Thornton

Registered Psychologist

Bachelor of Arts (Honours), Graduate Diploma of Psychology, MAPS.


Alex is a psychologist practicing in Melbourne, and also sees clients Australia-wide via telehealth. He completed six years of service with the Australian Army as a Psychology Officer, working with the School of Infantry, Army Aviation Training Centre, and the Army Logistics Training Centre. Alex has experience in counselling, psychoeducation, designing and delivering mental health workshops, and has worked extensively with trainee students undergoing technical military training.

Alex has undertaken in-depth study of psychology, religions and spiritual disciplines. It is with this background that he practices psychotherapy. In treating clients he aims to enable them to draw on their own innate strengths and resilience, and gain insight by considering alternative meanings and perspectives on their experiences. Alex also aims to instruct clients in new techniques that they can use to manage emotional distress. He has worked with clients experiencing anxiety, depression, stress, relationship problems, trauma, bulling/harassment, fatigue, sleep problems, adjustment issues, and grief/loss. Alex can also help with study skills and workplace rehabilitation concerns.

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